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Adaptogens for Stress

Adaptogens for stress include herbs such as red reishi, ginseng, and cordyceps. These herbs combat the effects of stress, and improve our overall vitality. So why is an adaptogen beneficial for almost everyone? Well, depending on the source quoted, stress or...

Common Sleep Medications Increase Dementia Risk

In a recent study, researchers concluded that long-term use of certain common sleep medications, as well as many medications for allergies, and chronic pain, led to an increased risk of developing dementia (Journal of the American Medical Association, Internal...

What Is Preventative Medicine?

One of the unique features of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is its long held view on the importance of disease prevention. The “Huangdi Neijing” (Yellow Emperor’s Classic) which was written some 2500 years ago states: “When a disease has already broken out and is...